2001: A Space Odyssey (Great Restorations)

2001: A Space Odyssey

USA 1968 | Stanley Kubrick | vostFR | 149’ | digital | Cast : Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester Oscar Best Effects, Special Visual Effects 1969

> 4K scan from the original 65mm camera negative, supervised by director Christopher Nolan

La découverte d’un monolithe noir qui traverse les âges déclenche une expédition dans l’espace. À bord du vaisseau HAL 9000, l’équipage est confronté à des énigmes cosmiques qui défient l’entendement humain, révélant les profondeurs de l’existence et de la conscience.

« The movie, written by Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, and directed by Kubrick, is a multisensory ode to cosmic mystery, fate and the future. Long stretches happen with no explication or action except the zero-gravity ballets of spaceships immaculately imagined. The movie broke with many of the conventions of the time, like mood music to tell you what to feel and think. 2001 left you alone in space with your thoughts. » (The New York Times)

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